The Saint Vincent Labour Market Information System (SVG-LMIS)
The SVG-LMIS is a pilot project for the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) countries jointly implemented by the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’ Department of Labour (SVG-DoL), the OECS Secretariat and the International Labour Organization (ILO). The project aims at computerizing key operations of the SVG-DoL and Labour Market Information produced by Government Ministries or Institutions, the Trade Unions and the Employers’ Organisations of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
What is Labour Market Information (LMI) and what is a Labour Market Information System (LMIS)?
Often heard questions on the labour market are:
- How much of the productive capacity of our people is utilized?
- What kind of economic activities are conducted?
- What is the unemployment rate?
- What type of jobs are generated in our economy?
- How is productivity developing?
- What are the current skill levels of the work force and where is training needed?
- What are average, real labour costs in the various industries?
- Where can I find a job?
- Where can I find the right workers for my business?
- What is the minimum wage for sepcific occupations?
- How is the labour market situation in the country where I intend on taking up an investment opportunity?
- How are women doing in the labour market?
- How safe is the workplace for workers in my country?
Labour Market Information (LMI) must answer these questions as it relates to the information labour market actors and potential actors need for their plans and actions or because it influences their attitudes. Qualitative LMI is very important for instance information on the legal system, regulations that apply to the labour market, and also information on traditions, values and institutions, job openings-vacancies etc. While this kind of LMI is very important for individual employers, workers and the unemployed, policy makers are usually more interested in labour statistics.
The Labour Market Information SYSTEM (LMIS) produces and disseminates LMI. LMI is produced by various agencies from their administrative records, by implementing censuses and surveys or from other sources.
For Whom?
LMI is used by government agencies, private sector organizations, trade unions, (individual) employers, (individual) workers and the unemployed, students and others who may want to become active within the labour market. LMI can either be qualitative or statistical.